Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day 20

Sorry, for not posting yesterday. . . I was a little busy.  Crew is still hanging out on the RAM cannula.  His oxygen requirements are going up just a bit.  He's currently on anywhere from 30 to 40%.  He's loving his pacifier and the times his mommy and daddy hold him.  Yesterday they started some small breast milk feeds.  He gets 0.5cc's per hour on a continuous drip.  So, not very much.  The doctors just want to introduce his gut to the breast milk and start to restore the flora.  So far he hasn't shown any intolerance to the milk he is receiving.  He's getting glycerin enemas every 6 hours, and having small stools with each one.  We're still trying to clear out all the meconium. We're hoping the next several days will be status quo.

Crew weighs 4 pounds 7 ounces this morning. He's getting cuter every day.  I'll post more pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post! I really look forward to them. So glad little Crew is doing well. Love to you all. Lori
