Saturday, June 29, 2013

Another cute video

So, the SVT episodes are becoming a lot less severe.  Yesterday he only had 2 in a 24 hour period and each one only lasted around a minute.  He also self converted with both episodes.  He is on an increasing dose of Propanolol and Flecainide orally, and his Esmolol drip has been weaned to around 350 mcg/kg/min.  We're crossing our fingers that the oral medication dosages are finally therapeutic.

If it's not one thing it's another in the life of a premie.  Now the poor little guy in anemic.  His hematocrit is around 25, which is low and makes him have even less stamina.  His lab work has also been a little suspicious.  In a nut shell, his WBC count is very low. The doctors have run more tests for infection and other things.  Basically his immune system is very shut down right now, and he's susceptible to infection.  He was started on antibiotics yesterday.

His lungs are wet again.  Because of all the medications he's been getting through his PICC line, he's a bit fluid overloaded.  In premies, the extra fluid they receive has a tendency to go straight to their lungs.  So, he's on the RAM (c-pap) cannula with a peep of 6 and around 30% oxygen.  He received a half of a dose of diuretics yesterday to help pull some of the fluid off his lungs. He tires easily, but otherwise acts appropriately. No breastfeeding while he's on the RAM . . . bummer for him.

On a positive note, he's still tolerating his breast milk feeds.  A couple of days ago, they started adding even more calories to his milk.  They add a fortified powder to each ounce of breast milk, bringing the caloric content up to 24calories/ounce.  He's having the nice seedy breast milk poops and peeing well. His abdomen in nice and soft and he loves his pacifier.

I will most likely only be updating the blog every couple of days until I can get Gretchen transitioned to the job.  She spends around 15 to 16 hours in the NICU every day, so hopefully she can start journaling her experience right here.

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