Monday, June 17, 2013

Bath Day!

Crew got his first real bath today.  He's been swabbed down with sterile towelettes a time or two, but has been too unstable for the real thing until now.  He loved his bath and only cried when we washed his armpits and neck . . . don't blame him.  His mommy put some Baby Magic baby lotion in his hair after the bath  . . . he smells so yummy now.  Then, she dressed him in his first little premie jammies.  He was so tuckered out after his bath, that he literally didn't move for the next two hours.

He got another super-dooper-pooper enema today and gave us another big snake-like poop.  I'm sure there is a little more of that meconium in there, but it's moving out slowly but surely.  He's still getting his breast milk on a pump through the tube in his mouth, and working hard to digest it.

He seems to be doing well on his RAM cannula today.  His FiO2 requirements were around 25% today.  His breath sounds are better and his work of breathing seems to be easier.  Keep up the good work baby boy! 

Crew's first bath . . . had to do the turban towel thing

All stretched out during bath time

This little guy has been full of smiles . . .
I think he's feeling so much better.

All dressed and ready for a good nap

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