Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 4

The night shift went well, except for one little 20-30 minute episode of SVT.  A couple doses of Adenosine and he was back on track.  Crew's chest x-ray is stable this morning, and his chest tubes are still draining.  He seems to be comfortable on the Jet Ventilator . . .  his FiO2(amount of Oxygen he's getting) has been around 40-50%.  Dr. Womack is Crew's Cardiologist.  He was in this morning and explained that sometimes it takes a good "smack"(meaning medications and adjustments) to get the heart beating correctly, and then the lungs and the kidneys will soon follow.  He is peeing twice as much as yesterday, which is a huge improvement. His weight is up by another 3 ounces today, but this is to be expected until his kidneys can catch up with all the fluid.  The doctors are discussing the idea of starting him on diuretics to help him pee off even more fluid.  He is tolerating position changes and we were able to change the linens underneath him.  We are happy with the progress he is making, but he is far from what would be considered medically stable.  Crew gets the most attention of all the babies in the NICU . . .  a sign that he is the sickest one in there.  He's a strong little guy, but he still needs lots and lots of prayers.

His little ear is swollen and full of fluid.

This is the Jet Ventilator

Heart rate is 120,  Oxygen Saturation 96  Blood Pressure 45/28 

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and praying for the little guy! We love the Schow Family!!!
